Thursday, January 28, 2010

Acbel Power Supply Any Good How Important Is It To Use Aftermarket Power Supply For CPU Such As,HEC, ACBEL Or Gigabyte Than Ordinary PSU?

How important is it to use aftermarket Power supply for CPU such as,HEC, ACBEL or Gigabyte than ordinary PSU? - acbel power supply any good

I use the Tornado 500W Power Supply Regular. Included with the cover, I have purchased. Created my CPU is an ASUS M2N-SLI mobo, Athlon X2 6000 + processor, GeForce 8800 GT Vcard, 4GB Geil RAM, 160 GB Seagate HD DVD-RW drive. Ask for more power, 1 Gigabyte G-Power 2 CPU fan and two 80mm diameter frame and other accessories Gigabyte 120mm fan. A TV tuner is installed for the start ... My PC works fine for me, but when I replace my CPU to the bank to some of those who had to update a visit, so I my power supply with improved stability ... I could not ask why not my power supply was stable, then, what do you think? I need to replace my power supply too? In thinking of buying a Gigabyte Superb 550W PSU, if it is really necessary. I do not know if it is really necessary.


nerdist_... said...

Power Supplies (PSU) that come with cases are not known to be very good. I bought a case which comes with a 450W power supply on my door for $ 30. How much power supply, what do you really think that? (Do not use the same. The case was part of my building to get there, I've taken from you.)

Unfortunately, much of the food is, you can buy at an online shop, so bad. The reason is that few companies actually food, many businesses are reflected only on her own label. If all the companies that are buying, most of the food actually the same.

I have a short list of good power supplies. PCP & C, Seasonic, Corsair, Antec Basiq and EarthWatts is good (Avoid using the power of the Smart brand, the real power and Neo) are somewhat better. If you need to buy a less expensive device, FSP (Fortron AKA.) Acceptable.

I'm not saying that the MSI, Gigabyte, BFG, Thermaltake are so bad. Just usually not as good as the ones I mentioned. They tend to come with good security, because if / when slya something wrong. And whatever you do, do not do Xion, the power of Athena, Hipro, Rosewill, redfish, and so undesirable to the end.

Some links you should check to include the purchase; ...
Use this link to find a good power supply, and then try to see whether the link has a different opinion.

Please read these two links can. You learn a lot about PSUs. (as most power supplies are of the same company years ago. Like most "multiple rail PSU PSU 12V rail are really unique, etc.)

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