Saturday, January 30, 2010

What Does Brown Mucus Discharge Mean Before My Period Could This Mean Pregnancy?

Could this mean pregnancy? - what does brown mucus discharge mean before my period

I had unprotected sex before my period was due and it came close. My periods have always been regular, but then a fight came 5 days after the first exit of brown mucus in the blood shortly after (ihave never discharge, how) this is before my time. as he was a bleeding time is now declining, and now his mucusy and red spots of blood thats all (sorry TMI) lol i have dark blue veins in the chest and one on the chest and a little discomfort in the stomach is not really painful.


Anonymous said...

not their early test. Whatever the result might still want to check a doctor

Anonymous said...

not their early test. Whatever the result might still want to check a doctor

Anonymous said...

not their early test. Whatever the result might still want to check a doctor

Anonymous said...

Not to worry, then take the test to be sure.

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