Sunday, January 17, 2010

Therapist Billing Software How Do I Bill No Fault Insurance As A Massage Therapist In NY?

How do I bill no fault insurance as a massage therapist in NY? - therapist billing software

I would add, through no fault of my practice Workman comp, but you do not know where to start. HELP


Michael R said...

First, you must be entitled to the services you provide. I do not know who is not recognized by a massage therapist as a provider of health care. If so, is it, what should no doubt receive a distribution of profits to their patients. So you can directlywith dealing with the insurance company.

Account Then, go to the website of the Department of Insurance, State of New York, get an NC-3 (number of therapeutic failures verification form that is not prohibited because of Bill) and then take appropriate account of the company Send farms. It is very important that you have a practice of the post in the area where you can be sure that when you send an invoice. This can be sent by registered mail with a registration form e-mail, to be done, or just stating a file with the invoice.

You should ask about the timetable for workers comp rates. To properly billed. Do you want Bill in the appropriate CPT code and the amount of the invoice.

So, if I am denied benefits, you must have to start the RegistryISPUTES for you. Not present in the forum of arbitration, the dispute began. Please contact me privately I can give some companies, Excel in this area.

Also discouraging, but not if the insurance companies deny their claims. You will show them until they are challenged. You will pay almost all their complaints to court, provided they are allowed to offer services and the mail folders.

Do not take any patient for State Farm. State Farm's likely to say that you are really a front for the Laity, the profit from their accounts, and locked in a dispute. If they make these allegations, taking all insurance information and want to see how it happened b / c if you go, they will do the same, or if released, then you will be allowed to contest the issue with other insurance companies.

mbrcatz said...

I do not know any insurance company as a masseur directly. But you need to speak to the insurance companies. Go to the yellow pages, they call to ask, added to them about who will talk as a supplier.

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